Saturday, February 15, 2020

Colgate Toothpastes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Colgate Toothpastes - Essay Example The 7Ps of marketing are discussed to give a clear understanding of the marketing strategy of Colgate for its toothpaste products. The various target markets of the different types of Colgate toothpastes are pinpointed. The positioning strategies of Colgate will also be ascertained. At the end of this report, some recommendations will be suggested to further strengthen Colgate toothpastes’ hold of the toothpaste industry. Introduction Colgate-Palmolive Company is a $16.7 billion global company which serves more than 200 countries (Colgate-Palmolive Company, 2011). It has operations in North America, Latin America, Europe/South Pacific, and Greater Asia/Africa. Their core business is in oral care, personal care, home care and pet nutrition. Their key products are toothpastes, toothbrushes, bar and liquid soaps, deodorants/antiperspirants, dishwashing detergents, household cleaners, fabric conditioners and specialty pet food. This study will focus on the marketing strategy of th e toothpaste line of Colgate. It was in 1873 when Colgate introduced its first toothpaste in jars. Today, Colgate has a 44.7% global market share of the toothpaste market (Colgate-Palmolive Company, 2011). Situational analysis (SWOT) (PESTLE) A. SWOT Analysis 1. Strengths Has been in the toothpaste business since 1873 Strong financial position Consistent market leader and has strong presence worldwide Has a high brand awareness and has strong brand recall Offers a wide choice in toothpaste varieties Known to be the â€Å"No. 1 brand recommended by dentists† Has an image of producing high quality products Strong product development and research program which leads to consistent product innovation Wide channels of distribution 2. Weaknesses Too many toothpaste... This paper stresses that Colgate is the leading brand of toothpaste, it should not rest on its laurels because of the highly competitive industry. Their marketing strategy should be appropriately adjusted depending on the dictates of the times, if it wants to remain competitive and retain its current position in the market. Brand image may not be enough assurance that they will remain on top. Since toothpaste is already in the mature stage, Colgate should find ways and means to innovate their products and continue to address the changing needs of its consumers. The author of the paper declares that with regards to Colgate’s promotional strategy, it is suggested that they emphasize the functionality of their toothpastes more than those that arouse the emotions. It was found out in a research that Colgate’s live demo campaign is a valuable way of increasing usage of a product. This report makes a conclusion that Colgate has 16 varieties of toothpastes, not counting the different flavors in some of its toothpaste brands. It is recommended that product duplicates be removed. Colgate offers too many types of toothpastes but some of them have almost identical active ingredients and characteristics. Too many products tend to confuse the consumer. An example of this is the Colgate Triple Action which is almost the same as the Colgate Cavity Protection and Colgate Total. Their whitening toothpastes such as the Colgate Sparkling White and Colgate Luminous targets the same market. One thinks that Colgate can just retain their most highly-saleable toothpaste and concentrate on marketing it.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Age Factor in Learning a Secnd Language ( The Critical Period Research Paper

Age Factor in Learning a Secnd Language ( The Critical Period Hypothesis) - Research Paper Example The paper also includes a detailed section which analyses the findings and presents a fair view of the scenario and the issues that dominate this particular branch of linguistic research. Adults are regarded to exceed in virtually every field of learning, on account of the presence of highly developed cognitive skills, as compared to children. However, with regard to language learning, children seem to have a better edge. There are innumerable instances where children have been able to learn a second language faster than adults and achieve native-like expertise, while in case of adults such a competence is rarely observed. It is on account of this very reason that issue regarding the existence of a certain sensitive / critical period of learning exists among individuals which fosters language development. Researchers and academic scholars as well as general observers have noted that children – up to a certain age, have a better grasp of learning languages – both native as well as foreign / second language, than their adult counterparts. During this period their language learning skills are heightened and once this period lapses, their skills begin to fa de, and acquiring native-like proficiency in language learning becomes all the more difficult, beyond a certain age. However there are several criticisms and contradictory views offered by others. In response to the critical period for language learning, certain researchers have opposed the hypothesis, stating that native-like skills can be found in certain adult learners with regard to second language. Yet another group of researchers have stated that over and above the critical period of language learning, there are other factors which also play an important role in learning a language a second language. These include sociological, psychological as well as physiological factors. This paper analyzes, explores and investigates